How to Plan for a Vacation: A Complete Guide

Planning the trip of your dreams can seem like a daunting process, but breaking it down into smaller steps makes things very manageable and allows you to have the vacation of a lifetime. Read on for a complete guide to vacation planning.

hotel on the beach

Decide on the Who, Why, and General What

Before you can get into the finer details of planning out your vacation, you have to have a general idea of what you’re working with. Do you want this to be a trip for you and your significant other, are you traveling with friends, or are you inviting lots of family members? Are you celebrating something like an anniversary, do you have a specific goal like participating in a certain activity or seeing a historical site, or are you just open to new experiences and pleasures? Finally, do you have a general idea of what you want, such as a relaxing beach trip or an adventure-packed vacation of a lifetime? Getting the bare-bones outline of your preferences will give you the road map to plan things more specifically.

Make a Wish List

Make a list of the top places you’d like to go, and add in any activities, extras, or other “wishes” you might have about your vacation. For example, if you know you want sandy beaches and beautiful waves, you can list your favorite potential beach spots to consider. Your extras might include spa days, water sports, local nightlife, having a hotel right on the beach, or food favorites that will make your vacation memorable.

Set Your Budget

Of course, finances matter when planning your trip. Set a budget that includes money you’ve already saved as well as money you plan to save before the vacation starts. Often, setting a range works best for people, since it gives you a little flexibility.

Check for Deals

Now that you have potential locations in mind and your budget set, it’s time to check for deals in those locations. Look at flights across various airlines, as well as options for accommodations. Knowing the general price ranges and considering any specials you might find can help you finalize the location of your trip. This is the point in the planning process where you commit to a location and start to get more specific in your search of that particular area.

Lounge chairs and umbrellas on beach

Book the Basics

Once you’ve explored your options, it’s time to book the basics. This includes lodging, airfare, and local transportation (like a rental car). In general, doing this as far ahead of time as you can will give you better prices and availability.

Book the Extras

Once the basics are nailed down, you can start to book the extras at your leisure. This gives you time to save up, explore your options, and decide on the final plans for your trip. These extras can include excursions, tours, activities, reservations at popular restaurants, tickets to plays or shows, and more. Alternatively, if you’d rather be spontaneous or just spend your time relaxing on the beach, you can skip this step and make your final plans once you’re at your destination.

To book a hotel on the beach in St. Augustine for a memorable vacation, check out the availability at La Fiesta Ocean Inn & Suites today!

By |2019-11-11T01:10:29-05:00November 11th, 2019|Uncategorized|0 Comments
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