The Benefits of Ocean Front Vacation Spots

If you’re looking to shake it up and get away from day-to-day life, there are a number of vacation spots from which you can choose. These include mountainside, lakefront, and oceanfront destinations. While each of these types of destinations has its advantages, there are actually benefits your body will experience by visiting an oceanfront vacation destination. Here are some of the benefits that can be gained by choosing a relaxing oceanfront destination for your next vacation.

Walking on the Beach

Ocean Therapy

If you’ve ever been to the beach and stared out over the waves, you might have noticed that you feel more relaxed than before you arrived. That’s because being near the ocean increases the level of serotonin in your body. That’s the hormone that makes you feel better, reducing feelings of anxiety and depression. This is why it’s common for people to play sounds of waves crashing on the beach when they’re trying to relax or go to sleep. If you’re feeling stressed out in your everyday life, visiting a beachfront destination will allow you to recuperate from those feelings.

Phenomenal Physical Benefits

Walking barefoot in the golden sand as the sun beams hit your skin can actually provide physical benefits for your body. The deep, soft sand will relax the muscles in your feet and energize the nerves in your feet and legs. Similar to a foot massage, your feet will feel better when you finish walking than when you first arrived. This is why so many people enjoy walking down the beach barefoot. Additionally, you can improve your health by taking a dip in the ocean. Swimming is an excellent physical exercise that offers fewer risks than other types of exercise because water has limited resistance.

Further, if you walk in the sand and take a dip in the ocean, you will feel much more refreshed when you head back to shore. This is because the sand and saltwater have an impact on your skin. As you walk through or lay in the sand, the natural exfoliant will brush off those dead skin cells, allowing fresh and clean cells to rise to the surface. As you swim in the saltwater of the ocean, your skin’s pores will be cleansed. This will provide a refreshing feeling for your body. You might notice that it has a similar effect to sitting in a hot sauna as your clean pores will leave you feeling much more refreshed.

Person Takes a Swim

Breathe Better

Due to the salt in the ocean, there is a salty essence to the air around the beach. A little-known benefit to being around the ocean is that this salty air is good for your respiratory system. The increase in salt in the air allows your body to absorb more oxygen. In addition to making you feel better throughout the day, it will also help you sleep better at night.

There are many emotional and physical benefits that can be gained by spending time near the beach. Choosing a beachfront location for your next vacation destination will allow you to experience these benefits. The result is that you’ll feel less stressed and more refreshed when you return home. Contact La Fiesta Ocean Inn and Suites at 904-471-2220 if you’re looking for a beachfront hotel in St. Augustine.

By |2019-09-03T01:55:39-04:00September 3rd, 2019|Uncategorized|0 Comments
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